Podcast #12: Essential Oils For Your Astrologic...
Podcast #12: Essential Oils For Your Astrologic...
Today we talk about something a bit more fun in this podcast! This episode is all about what essential oil we think most represents each astrological sign based on personality....
Today we talk about something a bit more fun in this podcast! This episode is all about what essential oil we think most represents each astrological sign based on personality. Are you a spicy or floral aroma? Maybe a more woodsy oil? Watch this video to find out!Would you like to see more? If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe...
Podcast #11: What Goes On The Body Gets Absorbed
Podcast #11: What Goes On The Body Gets Absorbed
You may be thinking, well yeah of course stuff gets absorbed into the skin! It has been a big debate over the years whether the products that you put on...
You may be thinking, well yeah of course stuff gets absorbed into the skin! It has been a big debate over the years whether the products that you put on your skin get absorbed into the bloodstream. In this episode of the podcast, we take a look at dermal absorption and if the chemicals in the products you're using actually...
Plantlife Podcast #10 - Natural Then VS. Natura...
Plantlife Podcast #10 - Natural Then VS. Natura...
Ever wondered what natural was like back in the 1960s? In this episode of the Plantlife Podcast, we dig in with Patty, who lived in Southern California during the 60s....
Ever wondered what natural was like back in the 1960s? In this episode of the Plantlife Podcast, we dig in with Patty, who lived in Southern California during the 60s. She was a hippy and loves all things natural! We discuss natural products, what life was like, and how it today's natural lifestyle compares to back then! Would you like to...
5 Essential Oils You Should Try In 2018
5 Essential Oils You Should Try In 2018
Everyone who uses essential oils knows all about the common essential oils like Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, etc (we just wrote an article about it! Click Here to go read...
Everyone who uses essential oils knows all about the common essential oils like Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, etc (we just wrote an article about it! Click Here to go read it). In fact, most of you probably have the most common essential oils at home right now! But have you heard of Amyris oil? Ever tried Cardamom oil? Here’s a...
What A Good Night's Sleep Should Smell Like
What A Good Night's Sleep Should Smell Like
What comes easy to some doesn't come easy to others, and a good night’s sleep is no exception. Trouble falling or staying asleep, nightmares, snoring, and other issues mean that for...
What comes easy to some doesn't come easy to others, and a good night’s sleep is no exception. Trouble falling or staying asleep, nightmares, snoring, and other issues mean that for many, sleep is neither as relaxing nor as restorative as it should be. Fortunately, several essential oil-based natural remedies have been helping people catch z's for thousands of years – much...
5 Essential Oil Must Haves!
5 Essential Oil Must Haves!
Those of you who use essential oils most likely have a few that are staples in your collection. But what if you are new to aromatherapy? Which oils do you...
Those of you who use essential oils most likely have a few that are staples in your collection. But what if you are new to aromatherapy? Which oils do you start with and why? Read on to find out the top five most commonly used essential oils that everyone should have! 5) Lemon - Citrus limon Everyone uses...