This holiday was started in 1982 by the American Business Women's

Association, originally celebrating the founding date in 1949 to “bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership; education, networking support and national recognition”. Today, 36 years later, this holiday is still observed every year. There are so many women of all races and backgrounds in a huge variety of occupations. In fact, more than 68 million people in the workforce are women and 7.7 million women are business owners. As a women owned and operated business, we thank those who came before us to help pave the way for our opportunities and we hope to lead by example for younger women to encourage them that anything is possible, evening owning and running your own business!
The owner of Plantlife, Patty, worked hard as a single mom throughout her life. Starting in humble beginnings working at a dry cleaners, to eventually moving around the country in executive positions for large companies. Her passion for natural and making good products led her to Plantlife. Today, because of her leadership and vision, Plantlife sells products worldwide and is a recognized natural, clean brand. Plantlife’s success is also due to our amazing customers, many of whom are women. We are so proud to be able to make all natural, good for the whole family products while our leading roles are filled by incredible women. We also appreciate all of our audience for supporting us throughout the years.
We encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on your own accomplishments and how bright all of our futures look!