How to Help Treat Psoriasis Naturally

How to Help Treat Psoriasis Naturally

Did you know that Plantlife’s Turmeric and Neem herbal soap can help treat Psoriasis and other inflammatory skin disorders?
With over 3 million cases diagnosed each year, Psoriasis is a common chronic, and often vexing, skin condition that causes inflammation of the skin. Psoriasis often appears as a reddish or pinkish scaly and flaky rash and is believed to be trigged by the immune system. There is no cure for Psoriasis, however, the symptoms of Psoriasis can be treated in many different ways, one of which is with natural herbal soap.
Both Plantlife’s Turmeric Herbal Soap and Neem Herbal Soap provide a gentle soothing cleanse and are great for helping manage the effects of Psoriasis because they contain unique anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties. These soaps do not strip the skins natural oils like most soaps on the market because Plantlife soaps are not detergents, they are not made with harsh chemicals that further dry out and irritate the skin. Plantlife’s soaps are full of nutrients that help and protect the skin.
Tumeric is widely used to treat Psoriasis and is gaining popularity over the conventional methods such as steroid creams and immunosuppressant’s (drugs that suppress the body’s immune system) because of the potential serious side effects associated with long term use. Severity of Psoriasis is directly linked to inflammatory chemicals such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6. Curcumin, the active principal substance in Turmeric, effectively inhibits the activity of these proteins which reduces their levels. Turmeric is also an antioxidant, which is important as human studies have shown a high correlation in oxidative stress among those suffering from Psoriasis. Turmeric is shown to reduce these oxidative stress levels (imbalance between proxident and antioxidant agents). Plantlife’s Turmeric Herbal Soap has a high concentration of organic Turmeric powder and essential oil that aids the skin.
Neem, like Turmeric, also helps reduce the inflammation of Psoriasis thanks to one of its active principals, a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic called Nimbidin. Neem oil is also rich in vitamin E and omega 6 & 9 fatty acids, making it a great moisturizing agent capable of softening and helping reduce the thick scales that build up as a result of Psoriasis. Neem’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic nature help neutralize harmful microbials that can invade the cracks of Psoriasis damaged skin. Plantlife’s Neem Herbal Soap has a high concentration of organic Neem leaf and Neem oil that aids the skin.
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