How Farming Effects the Environment

How Farming Effects the Environment

The truth is, when buying produce, many of us don't think that the process in which our fruits, vegetables and grains are grown may not be sustainable and could be detrimental to the environment.
The EWG (Environmental Working Group) in yet another compelling study, is bringing the issue of soil erosion to the public in an effort to educate us in the hopes of saving the future of farming and the environment. By raising public awareness and encouraging farmers to take simple conservation measures, the business of agriculture can be much more sustainable and environmentally responsible.

What causes soil erosion and how does it effect me?

Without an area of grass between crops & water, pesticides, fertilizers and manure run directly into our rivers, streams and drinking water. It renders our water undrinkable, our beaches unfit to swim in and has created an area in the gulf so contaminated that aquatic life has to flee or die"

From facts and figures to Washington's role in encouraging "fence row to fence row planting", the EWG's video "Losing Ground" is a fascinating and well produced peak into an area of agriculture so few of us think of.
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